Volunteer Appreciation Month 2022

Student and Alumni participants at the annual Women in Pharmacy Leadership event held each spring.


April is Volunteer Appreciation Month, so we would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the hundreds of alumni who give their time and expertise to the College.

Preceptors. They are essential for the success of our pharmacy students. They are mentors, teachers, supervisors, and professional connections for our students. The wide range of preceptors allows our students to see the variety of career paths available to them. 

Classroom speakers. They bring their expertise to our students, offering a new perspective. They offer examples of the theories learned in the classroom, demonstrating how learning translates to the working world after graduation.

Mentors. Alumni share their time and hard-won insights with students in both formal and informal settings that can help to shape our students’ futures.

Alumni volunteers. Who better to recommend the College to a prospective student than someone who has already been there? Their advice is invaluable to the future students they recommend as well as the admissions team at the College.

Board of Trustees. These dedicated individuals help guide the College, planning for the future. Their leadership helps ACPHS keep moving forward.

And so many others! Thank you to all the volunteers who work hard for our students and the ACPHS community. We appreciate you.

For more information about alumni volunteer opportunities, please email alumni@acphs.edu.