Podcast Series

Occupation Station

Career insights from pharmaceutical and health sciences experts for tomorrow's professionals

Bill Shields
Bill Shields '84, B.S. Pharmacy, MBA
Retired CEO at Advanced Infusion Solutions

Podcast Subject: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Listen to "From ACPHS to Advanced Infusion Solutions" on Spreaker.

An early change in direction ultimately led to a healthcare career that spanned decades for Bill Shields.  Shields, who most recently retired as CEO of Advanced Infusion Solutions,  already held a degree in education when he decided to further challenge himself by gaining a degree in pharmacy at ACPHS.  Even though he quickly found work as a pharmacist, Shields felt a drive to branch out even further and achieved his MBA.  Now he tells others along their career journeys not to be afraid to invest in their own educations.  Shields is a big fan of diversifying.  His resume tells the story with major companies calling on him to work on product development, specialty infusion, regulatory affairs in Washington, D.C. and much more.