Distance Learning Verification

Secure Passwords

ACPHS utilizes secure passwords to ensure only authorized access to student accounts.  All students are assigned a username and temporary password when they join the ACPHS computing community.  Students  then select a password that abides by the College’s password guidelines. Consistent with the College’s computing policy, students must take all reasonable precautions, including appropriate password maintenance, to prevent use of their account by unauthorized persons. Students must not share their password with anyone else or provide access to ACPHS network resources to unauthorized persons.  As an additional measure of security, students are required to utilize multi-factor authentication when logging into the College network.

Verification of Identity of Distance Learning Students

The Higher Education Opportunities Act requires an institution that offers distance education to have processes through which the institution establishes that the student who registers in a distance education course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the program and receives the academic credit.

The College uses Canvas as its Learning Management System (LMS) for both on-campus and distance learning courses.  As students access Canvas through secure single sign on through the ACPHS network, access to all distance learning courses, materials, and assessments are subject to the security protections of the College’s password system and enforcement mechanisms contained in ACPHS’s Computer Use Policy.  In addition, faculty teaching distance learning courses are encouraged to consider the following practices that promote behavior consistent with academic integrity:

  • The administration of periodic exams that require students to come to campus
  • The use of remotely proctored exams
  • The use of technologies designed for this purpose
  • Using a variety of assessments including those that are unique to the course and that encourage academic integrity (i.e. essays, long answer questions on exams, other assessments conducted face-to-face with faculty)
  • Paying particular attention to changes in a student’s academic performance, writing style, language, or LMS access times that might indicate violations of the Academic Integrity Code