ACPHS In The News

Spotlight: Medical Laboratory Sciences Club

The executive board of the Medical Library Sciences Club
April 15, 2024

When you think of a laboratory scientist, what image arises? If it’s someone working in lonely obscurity, Medical Laboratory Sciences Club intends to change that perception.

Founded a year ago as an interest group and approved as an official club in November, MLSC already has 30 members and has held events to highlight the many roles a lab scientist can fill. At their Pizza and Forens event last month, for instance, a lab scientist from the New York State Police Crime Laboratory shared her work in forensics. She collects specimens directly at crime scenes and helps identify suspects. MLSC, meet CSI.

Co-presidents Abigail Kievit, a clinical laboratory sciences major, and Delaney Smith, who is studying biomedical technology, are both in their second year at ACPHS. Looking around at clubs they could join, they noticed that among the dozens on campus, none was dedicated to medical lab scientists. They decided to change that. 

“Other students find our events cool,” Kievit said. “They say, ‘I didn’t know you could do that kind of thing.’”

Smith thought it was only natural to showcase lab work. In addition to bringing in guest speakers, the club has also organized study sessions to liven up the reviews for tough exams.

“Everybody in the school has lab, and we’re all passionate about going into medicine,” she said.

This week, you’ll see the Student Center atrium decorated in plush microbes and other lab-related paraphernalia, thanks to MLSC, in honor of National Laboratory Professionals Week. And there’ll be some grab-n-go lab-themed giveaways too.

Stop by, and celebrate a lab scientist!

Pictured above, L-R, the MLSC executive board: Brett Richards, Kievit, Annie Motler, Smith and Connor Zabko